Message from Principal Sanders

Aloha Parents and Guardians,

WE NEED YOUR HELP!  Many of our students are coming to school unprepared and we would love for you to talk to them about their responsibilities in following the school rules. 

First of all, your child needs to come with their IDs visible at all times while on campus.  On Monday, September 27, 2021, if your child does not have their ID at the beginning of the first period of the day they will be sent to the office to call home to have you bring the ID to them or be charged $5.00 for a replacement ID.  This is a critical part of being prepared and it is important for them to follow the rules in their planner. 

We are asking you to go over the dress code with them on page 9 of their planner.  You will notice that they are to have a uniform shirt on at all times.  They have to have shorts/pants that are knee length or longer.  They can wear a jacket/shirt/sweatshirt that opens in the front, but no attire that covers up their uniform shirt.  Students out of dress code will be calling their parents to bring proper clothing to their child.

Students are not allowed to have their cell phones out during school times from 7:45 AM-1:53 PM each day.  We will be taking all phones and parents will be allowed to pick them up in the front office. The faculty member that takes the phone will be calling parents to pick it up during school hours.  Students need to understand that we will not tolerate phones out or on during school hours. 

Wearing masks are required and students need to have them over their noses and on at all times during the school hours (unless they are in a designated eating area for recess or lunch). Please talk to your child about sharing food and drinks. We want everyone to be safe and sharing food is unhealthy for your child and your family. 

Please help us in our quest to follow school rules and regulations.  We depend on you to partner with us on making everyone safe at Ewa Makai Middle School.

Mahalo for your support,
​​​​​​​Kim Sanders, Principal


EMMS Picture Day


Tiger Spirit Card Fundraiser