EMMS Picture Day

Aloha Ewa Makai Families-

School pictures are coming 27 Sep - 1 Oct and Expression envelopes to purchase pictures have been sent home from your child's advisory teacher. Please ask them for it. Photos will be included in the EMMS Yearbook so please make sure you have returned your media release form. Pictures will be taken during Science class according to the following tentative schedule:

Mon, 27 Sep - 6th / 7th grade
Tue, 28 Sep - 6th / 7th grade
Wed, 29 Sep - 8th grade
Thu, 30 Sep - 8th grade
Fri, 1 Oct - Makeup for all students

Students must take school pictures in school uniforms. Students who are purchasing personal photo packages will be allowed to change into appropriate non-uniform attire during his/her scheduled time, but must change back into school uniform once the picture is taken.

Students must have the picture purchase packets with payment in hand while taking pictures, so they should hold on to them until their science class that week (not turn them in to their advisory teacher.) Expressions will be collecting the packets during the scheduled picture taking times.

Time to start polishing those smiles!


Harmful Tik Tok Trend - Letter from Superintendent Hayashi (10/5/21)


Message from Principal Sanders