Tiger Spirit Card Fundraiser

Tiger Spirit Cards are back by popular demand! Spirit cards are a great way to support both our school and community.

The sale of spirit cards is our biggest fundraiser of the year. It would be great for all our students to participate and support our school, but it is not mandatory.

 Our fundraiser will kick off on Monday, September 27th. A representative will come to speak with the students regarding the sales of the spirit cards and what prizes they can qualify for by participating in this fundraiser.

During our fundraiser launch, there will be a fun trivia game played with the students, where they will be able to win Starbucks gift cards if they answer the questions correctly. So please encourage your students to attend this fun event in the amphitheater even if they choose not to eat lunch.

 Each student will start off with 10 spirit cards to sell for $10.00 each. The sale of the spirit cards will start on Tuesday, September 28th. The cards will be distributed to the students by their Advisory teacher that day.

 Starting Wednesday, September 29th through October 7th we will have a table set up in the back field during lunch recess. The students can turn in their money or unsold spirit cards and get more spirit cards to sell if needed. If you’re not sure where the back field is located you can ask your student, they know where to go.

 Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 school-wide individual sellers.

Top Seller - Apple iPad Mini

2nd place - $100 Gift card to Target

3rd  place - $50 Gift card to Target

All students can win! Any student who sells 5 or more spirit cards will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a 25.00 Target gift card. There will be 5 gift cards that are raffled off.

Teacher’s and their class can win! The top selling class can win an Ice cream or Pizza party. The teacher of that classroom will receive a $50 Target Gift card for use for their classroom.

In order to qualify for the prizes, all the money and unsold cards need to be turned in no later than lunch recess on October 7th. All cards and money need to be accounted for.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at jennifer.welsch@k12.hi.us. Mahalo!

Jennifer Welsch, PCNC
Parent Community Networking Center Facilitator

Ewa Makai 2021 Spirit Cards.jpg

Message from Principal Sanders


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