Got Infinite Campus (IC)?
Last week all parents and guardians should have received an e-mail regarding Infinite Campus. Parents new to Hawaii public secondary schools to include 6th grade parents and parents of new students should have received an email with their login information last week. If you did not receive an e-mail please check your junk folder or contact the registration office as your contact information may need to be updated. All returning families should already have an established IC account.
CVS COVID-19 Test Registration
No-cost COVID-19 tests will be administered at a school or a CVS location. Testing is available for students and family members ages 3 and up.
EMMS Announcements
We are one week into the school year and we hope your students and family are starting to settle into a routine as everyone adjusts to full-time, in-person school. Processes at EMMS are getting smoother with each passing day but there are a few things we want to clarify and ask you for your help.
Vaccinations at James Campbell High School
Queen’s Health will be administering COVID-19 vaccinations at James Campbell High School on August 9 and August 30 to all individuals 12 years or older.
Vaccinations at Kapolei High School
Hawai’i Pacific Health will be administering COVID-19 vaccinations at Kapolei High School school to all individuals 12 years and older!
Peanut Allergy Notice
Please read this important message from Principal Kim Sanders regarding a severe food allergy.
First Day for 6th Grade, 3 Aug
The first day of school for 6th grade students is Tuesday, Aug 3. Student drop off is in front of the amphitheater only starting at 7:15am. The school day will start at 7:45am. School dismisses at 1:53 pm and pick up will be in front of the amphitheater only. EMMS uniforms shirts and masks are required. Bring your schedule and supplies.
SY 21-22 Distance Learning Sites - UPDATED
At this time, Ewa Makai is NOT offering distance learning. Please view the flyer to see the status of schools offering distance learning in the CK complex area.
EMMS Schedule & Employment
If you have not yet picked up your student's schedule you may still do so on weekdays 8 am - 4pm in the Ewa Makai office. You may also pay student fees with exact cash or a check or on-line with a credit card.
Employment Opportunity! Would you like to be a part-time Ewa Makai staff member? Positions are available! Please call the office at 687-9500 to inquire.
Project BEAM - Digital Media Program
Here is your chance to learn and practice the entire film-making process, starting with storyboards and ending with your own video project! Learn more about Project BEAM in the flyer attached.