EMMS Announcements

Aloha Ewa Makai Families-

We are one week into the school year and we hope your students and family are starting to settle into a routine as everyone adjusts to full-time, in-person school. Processes at EMMS are getting smoother with each passing day but there are a few things we want to clarify and ask you for your help.

Lunch is free for all students which has increased the number of meals provided. All students who get in line for lunch receive it in 15-20 minutes leaving 10 minutes for them to quickly eat. Many students are slow to walk to the amphitheater or are holding up the line because they do not have their EMMS ID or are not paying attention. Please ask your child to have their ID easily visible, move purposefully to the amphitheater, keep the line moving, enjoy their lunch, and discard their rubbish. Students may choose not to get lunch but there are plenty of meals and time to eat them.

Eating and drinking in classrooms is not permitted. The distance between students does not permit them to safely remove their masks. Students may distance themselves from others to eat and drink outside during recess or while moving between classes. All outdoor water bottle refills stations, sinks, and water fountains are available for use. Some teachers permit students to step outside the classroom for a water break but it is up to each teacher to manage their classroom. Please encourage your child to stay hydrated and to ask their teachers for water breaks if permitted.

EMMS rotates class periods to help students thrive. Each day will include Periods 1, 2, 3 w/ Advisory or 4, 5, 6 w/ Advisory but the order of the periods rotates. While this may seem confusing at first we have used this schedule in the past and students soon adapt. Some students thrive in the morning while others are not yet awake. This rotation helps students excel in all subjects by catching them at different times of the day. It also means a student's favorite subject will sometimes be their first class of the day or allow them to end the day on a high note. They will never have to face their least favorite class first thing every morning because it too will rotate. This rotation increases academic achievement and improves classroom management which is why teachers love it too. The period schedule is in student planners and on the EMMS website: https://www.ewamakai.org/student-guide

Finally, getting all students on and off campus can be hectic. Students who can bike, skate, scoot, or walk to campus are encouraged to do so. Please remind your child to observe traffic signals, use crosswalks, and to lock up their items when they arrive. Unless notified by a Vice Principal, all students are to be dropped-off and pick-up in the amphitheater. Drop-off / pick-up in front of EMMS is for parents with a special pass for our exceptional students. Traffic congestion can be reduced if families choose an off-campus location a block or two away but stopping on Kapolei Pkwy is never allowed. Safety first!

We love having all our students back on campus and know most of them are thrilled to see their teachers, friends, and have the opportunity to make new friends. Mahalo for your continued patience and positive attitude. Please continue to encourage your child to follow school rules and ask clarifying questions, to share Aloha by caring for themselves and their classmates, and to stay safe and healthy so they can maximize their learning potential in the classroom.

- Kim Sanders, Principal


CVS COVID-19 Test Registration


Vaccinations at James Campbell High School