Spirit Card Prizes & Mahalo!

Aloha Ewa Makai Tigers,

I want to thank everyone for their participation in making the Spirit Card fundraiser an amazing success this year! Our EMMS students sold over $40,000.00 worth of Spirit Cards, which half of that stays right here at Ewa Makai for student activities, clubs, elective classes and grade level activities.

Due to extending the deadline of card sales, we had to reschedule our prize giveway. We will be giving out prizes to the students this Thursday, October 28th during lunch in the amphitheater.

Again we can't thank you enough for your support. This was a record breaking year for this fundraiser. We know this was truly a community effort in making this fundraiser an awesome success.

Much Aloha,
Jennifer Welsch


EMMS Registration SY22-23


EMMS Tardy Policy