EMMS Registration SY22-23


Registration week for the school year 2022-2023 will begin November 8.  This is for our current 6th and 7th graders registering for the school year 2022-2023 for grade 7 and 8.  Information and links to the registration manual and form will be emailed to your child’s EWAMAKAI.NET account starting November 5.   Please look over the registration information with your child prior to completing the registration form.  The window to complete the registration form will be open from November 8 to 24, 2021.


If you moved recently or have changes in your child’s custodial status, please update them with our main office.  Please submit the “Student Information Update” form available on our school website with appropriate supporting documents.  Student Information Update form and supporting documents can be submitted in person, mailed, or faxed to our school at (808) 685-2052.  For email and phone number updates, please log into your Parent IC Portal account and update your information in IC.


If you are no longer living in our school zone, please submit your request for Geographic Exception(GE) to request continual attendance at Ewa Makai Middle.  IF you are seeking to attend Hawaii Public High School outside your homeschool area for School Year 2022-2023, GE request should be submitted during the initial window of January 1st – March 1st, 2022.  Downloadable GE request form is available on Hawaii DOE website:  HIDOE GE GUIDELINE Please complete the form and submit your request with a self-addressed stamped envelope to our Registrar’s Office.


We believe parent engagement has a direct correlation to student success. Our experience shows that students with engaged parents are more likely to have better self-esteem, less tardies, lower absenteeism and earn high grades or scores. So check in with your assistance, Infinite Campus(IC), regularly.  By logging into IC, you can access your child's progress, review attendance, see assignments due or prepare for upcoming exams.   You can also generate your child's mid-quarter progress grades and quarterly grades  immediately after your child's teacher posts them in IC.

 We advise that at least one parent or guardian per student family have an IC Parent Portal account.  If you have not set your IC accounts yet, please do so TODAY!  Parents new to Hawaii public secondary school should have received an email with their login information.  All returning families should already have an established IC account.  If you need to reset your password or have issue logging in, please email your child's counselor or the registration office for assistance. 

Emi Ancog, Teams 6B & 6C: emi.ancog@k12.hi.us
Chad Mahoe, Teams 7A & 7B: chad.mahoe@k12.hi.us
Marc Nishimitsu, Teams 6A & 8C: marc.nishimitsu@k12.hi.us
Emily Oandasan, Teams 8A &8B: emily.oandasan@k12.hi.us



JCHS Registration SY22-23


Spirit Card Prizes & Mahalo!