EMMS Mid-Q4 Progress Reports

Your child’s teachers have posted the Mid-Quarter 4 Progress Grades in Infinite Campus (IC).  Please log into your IC account to view your child’s Mid-Q4 grades as of 13 April.  Please note that mid-quarter grades are just snap-shot of your child’s progress at the time grades were posted.  All updates made in IC Gradebook after this date will not be reflected in these progress grades.

Message from ELA Teachers:  Your child will not have an ELA grade for mid-quarter because he/she has been taking his/her annual state assessments. All students will receive a Q4 and a final ELA grade at the end of the school year.

If you would like to print your child’s mid-quarter progress grades, you can do so by accessing the “Mid-Qtr 4 Progress Report” under “Documents”    

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s grades, please contact your child’s teachers.  Other academic concerns, please contact your child’s counselor. 

Chad Mahoe, 6th grade: chad.mahoe@k12.hi.us
Emily Oandasan, Teams 7A and 7B: emily.oandasan@k12.hi.us
Emi Ancog, Teams 7C and 8A: emi.ancog@k12.hi.us
Marc Nishimitsu, Teams 8B and 8C: marc.nishimitsu@k12.hi.us



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