Polynesian Music & Ukulele Ensemble
“Music in the soul can be heard by the universe.”
- Lao Tzu
Band • Dance • Drama • Polynesian Music

for investing in your child’s music education at Ewa Makai Middle School and for selecting Poly Music as their elective!
It is my sincere hope to provide your child with the best possible experience in the Polynesian Music Course & Ukulele Ensemble here at Ewa Makai.
Establishing a common mana’o of kuleana & goals associated with our program is the first step in creating a positive partnership for your child’s interest & ho’omau in music & learning potential.
Lōkahi, kūlia i ka nu‘u, & an ‘ike for other world cultures are also the foundations of our Polynesian Music ensembles.
A harmony of creativity, excitement, self learning & continuous improvement will ultimately provide students the opportunity to share the JOY and BEAUTY of music!
COVID-19 Classroom Safety Protocols for the EMMS Polynesian Music Room
We are determined to stay healthy and safe in our classroom setting. We are in this together.
Chairs, stands, instruments, and surfaces throughout the room will be disinfected before and after each class period with cleaning spray and wipes provided by EMMS that are safe and effective for our space.
It is encouraged that your child have all of their materials labeled with their name on them and we kindly ask that NO SHARING of instruments, books, stands, etc. occur... Mahalo.
We will be playing in the classroom as usual if and when face-to-face, just at a very separated physically distance within the room.
The Poly Music room (luckily) is a large room, and students will have AMPLE room to spread out and be more than 6 ft apart from each other in their space!
Care & Cleaning for Your Ukulele
ALWAYS WASH YOUR HANDS completely and DRY them completely before you touch your instrument. Ukuleles are made of many different types of wood, and unlike a brass or silver band instrument, can become VERY quickly warped and ruined by humidity or water exposure.
- Your instrument should never have water near it or on it! This will cause damage to your instrument and you will be held responsible!
- Do not use any type of “cleaner” on your instrument
- If you are the ONLY one playing your instrument, there should be no need to polish, or do any other type of maintenance on your instrument for this year!
- Wipe down your instrument after each use with your DRY microfiber towel located in your case to keep any grease/oils off of the strings/fretboard/body.
- Keep your instrument IN THE CASE AT ALL TIMES if it is not being played.
- Please do not let other siblings/family members use your ukulele, accidents happen but should something happen to your instrument, you are responsible!
- If by chance something happens, and a string breaks, please contact Mrs. Cohen immediately so we can make arrangements for you to drop off your instrument at EMMS to be re-strung.
*YES- you can wash the microfiber towel- should be done weekly :-)
Google Classroom
Music Learning Online Tools
Whether in person or online, this year will provide students more opportunities to create a self guided opportunity to learn about Polynesian Music and how to play the Ukulele through this course.
We will use our Google Classroom as our hub, and a few apps listed below to supplement learning within the music curriculum.
All of these resources are FREE and only require you to download them on your phone/create a username using your school email!
iOS & Android Apps
Flipgrid - Individual Class codes on Google Classroom
Duolingo - incorporating ‘Ōlelo Hawai'i in our every day lives
Acapella - creating collaboration, duets, trios, quartets, quintets and more!
Pro Metronome - keeping a steady beat!
Yousician - self-directed guide to learning
Name That Note! - quiz app for treble & bass clef notes on the staff
Chordify - A “karaoke” style ukulele song library! The free version will allow access to multiple songs in one day.