To Value Perseverance. To have Grit. To never give up in the face of adversity is the Ewa Makai Goal, and we want our students to Embody that philosophy.
I Keka, I Kaa Hoe Pae Aku I Kaa Aina.
Paddle and Bail, Bail and Paddle, and the Shore is Reached.
Students can find information regarding daily schedules, our monthly breakfast and lunch menus, and site links for their classes here.
Also see the SY 2024 - 2025 Start of Year Guide →
Want to know about some of the awesome things our student are learning about and working on?
Check out the “Academics” tab to see what we teach our students!
Parents, want to get more involved at Ewa Makai? We’re always looking for parent volunteers to help out with student events! Join us to help our students excel!
UPLINK provides a variety of after-school enrichment activities that students can choose from while allow students to meet and be tutored by their teachers.
We want to our students to explore, to journey forth in gathering knowledge and applying it to all aspects of their lives. Together with our staff and community, our students work towards KŪLIA I KA NU‘U, striving to reach the summit.
An empowered student is one who will take the plunge into Knowledge and embrace 'ike (exploration) into new concepts and ideas.