All nominees will be invited to attend the SCC Informational Meeting scheduled for 1 March 2021 from 2:15 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. SCC officers will discuss the qualifications, roles, and responsibilities of SCC members.
What is the SCC?
School Community Council:
A group of people who are elected by their peers to advise the principal on matters that affect student achievement and school improvement. Their primary role is to participate in the process that ensures that the needs of all students are addressed in the school’s Academic Plan.
Forum for open discussion and problem-solving related to student achievement. Research suggests that the collaborative process contributes to improved school culture, classroom practices and student learning, and the development of a strong professional community of educators.
A means to involve the community in the discussion of educational issues and help schools identify and respond to the educational needs of the community.
Benefits to Members of a School Community Council Include:
Learning about educational research and factors that impact student achievement;
Being an important partner in the education system, whose views are valued;
Contributing to the shared goal of improving student achievement;
Having a vehicle through which to express opinions and share ideas; and
Being informed about what is happening at the school.
Mahalo for your continued support of Ewa Makai Middle School, our keiki, and the community in which we all live.