EMMS Virtual Parent Night
Join us for a VIRTUAL parent night for incoming 6th graders on Thursday, May 13!
JCHS Incoming 9th Grade Virtual Parent Night
JCHS is hosting a virtual parent night for incoming 9th grade students and their families on 6 pm on 11 May. Please see the flyer for details and the link to attend.
EMMS May Newsletter
EMMS May Newsletter highlights include:
- A Letter from Principal Sanders
- May Bell Schedule, Upcoming Dates, and Events
- End of Year celebrations and procedures
- Orientation for incoming 6th grade and out-going 8th grade
- Student Accomplishment and Activities!
Virtual Parent Night - Save the Date!
Save the Date! Ewa Makai Middle School will be hosting a VIRTUAL parent night for incoming 6th graders on May 13, 2021. More information TBA.
JCHS Saber Showcase
Join James Campbell High School on May 1st as they celebrate all that they have accomplished together this past school year in their Saber Showcase!
Teacher & Staff Appreciation
Teacher and Staff appreciation week is 3 - 7 May. We are seeking donations for Aloha Friday Snacks.
School Quality Survey
Please complete this School Quality Survey no later than May 28, 2021.
Reminder | EMMS Heroes Parade
This is a friendly reminder that the EMMS Heroes Parade is on both April 20th (B-Day) and April 21st (A-Day) at 1:15 pm during student pick-up entering at Gate #1 and exiting Gate #2. See you there!
8th Grade Rite of Passage
Save the Date! The 8th grade Rite of Passage will be on 28 May at EMMS. Students and families that would like to walk through are invited to do so 4:00 - 4:30 pm. Those who plan to drive through are invited to do so 4:30 - 6:00 pm. Certificates and goody bags will be presented to 8th grade students. Volunteers needed!