Seamless Summer Option Meal Program at EMMS
We are excited to announce Ewa Makai Middle school is participating in a Seamless Summer Option meal program from 12 Oct - 18 Dec 2020. All Child(ren) 18 years and younger in the community will be served meals at no charge. Serving time at EMMS will be 11:15 am - 11:45 am only. Holidays & waiver days will be excluded.
EMMS Q2 Plan
When we return and begin Q2 on Monday, 12 Oct it will continue to be through the same Distance Learning model we have been using consistent with the rest of the Campbell-Kapolei Complex.
Daily Wellness Check at Home
Help keep our schools safe by doing a wellness check each morning before going to the school/office!
HAR-Chapter 19 Memo and Flyer
Please view the flyer and memo from Superintendent Kishimoto regarding tobacco and e-cigarette products.
Parent / Guardian Infinite Campus Access
Do you have access to Infinite Campus? Our goal is to have at least one parent or guardian per student family with an IC account.