Tiger Give Back…To Our Community!

This week, 6 - 10 May, all Tigers are invited to join the EMMS Aloha Ambassadors to give back to our community by supporting up to five non-profit organizations in their noble efforts throughout our community. You may donate items by bringing them to the EMMS office or contributing directly on-line. See Slides here or below: Tigers Give Back

Hawaii Food Bank has been synonymous with getting food in the hands of those in need. In believing that consistent access to safe and healthy food is a fundamental human right, the Foodbank has been working to ensure that no one goes hungry in our communities. Aloha Harvest's mission is rescuing quality food to nourish and strengthen our community through food redistribution. 
Support both by donating non-perishable food items such as canned fruits, vegetables, and meats, dried beans and nut butter, and grains to include quinoa, rice, pasta and oatmeal to the EMMS office 6 - 10 May.
Donate money to Hawaii Food Bank: https://hawaiifoodbank.org/donate/
Donate money to Aloha Harvest: https://alohaharvest.org/donate-money/

Hawaii Humane Society aims to strengthen the relationship between humans and animals advocating for the humane treatment of animals. Support by donating dry or canned dog or cat food, kitty litter, collars, leashes, and reusable bags to the EMMS office 6 - 10 May.
Donate money to Hawaii Humane Society: https://give.hawaiianhumane.org/give/547731/#!/donation/checkout

Malama I na Honu "care for the sea turtles" protects Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles through education and community outreach. Please do not send money to EMMS. 
Donate money to Malama I na Honu (PayPal): https://malamanahonu.org/help-the-honu/ 
Donate money to Malama I na Honu (Venmo): @Malamana-Honu-oahu
"Adopt a Honu": https://malamanahonu.org/adoptions/

Aloha Animal Sanctuary provides a safe haven for farmed animals like cows, pigs, chickens, and other farmed animals who have been abused, abandoned, and/or neglected and have nowhere else to go. Please do not send money to EMMS. 
Donate money to Aloha Animal Sanctuary: https://www.alohasanctuary.org/donate
"Sponsor an Animal": https://www.alohasanctuary.org/the-animals
Purchase items from their Amazon Wishlist: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2JDT7I1EVXPJB?ref_=wl_share

Questions? Please email Ms. Tait  at erynn.tait@k12.hi.us

Mahalo for your Kindness! 
Ewa Makai MS Aloha Ambassadors


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