EMMS Military Kids & Family Photo Submission

As part of our "Purple Up for Military Kids" celebration in April we will be putting together a video to honor military kids and the family members of EMMS students and staff who have or are currently serving in the military. EMMS Aloha Ambassadors and Media students would like to invite you to submit photos of your military kid and/or your family's Military Hero(es) both past and present. The video created will be shared with the EMMS community and for public release. Submit your photos by March 27th using the link below:

2022 EMMS Purple Up

Did you know April is the Month of the Military Child and approximately 30% of EMMS students are affiliated with the military? Purple Up for Military Kids is a way for military communities like ours to celebrate the unique lifestyle and sacrifices of our military children. Stay tuned for information on Spirit Week April 11-14 and the release of the video created w/ your submissions. 

Please send any questions or concerns to erynn.tait@k12.hi.us

Much Aloha, 
Erynn Tait & Lolita Ayala
EMMS Takai Transition Center


Updated DOE COVID Health & Safety Guidance


DOE Updated Outdoor Mask Protocols