Protect Our Water
Water is one of our most precious resources in Hawaii, one that we must do our best to protect.
Ewa Makai Middle School takes part in the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System. MS4 deals with proper waste water treatment.

Protecting State Waters
About the City & County of Honolulu’s Storm Drain System
The City’s storm drain system is a vast network of underground pipes and open channels that were designed to prevent flooding. Runoff drains from the street into the gutter, and enters the system through an opening in the curb called a catch basin. Catch basins serve as the neighborhood entry point for the journey into the ocean.
Water in the storm drain system receives no treatment or filtering process and is completely separate from the City’s sewer system.
Campus Water Pollution Prevention Program
Our school has a storm water management plan that is available for review at the front office. It is part of the federal government's effort to keep our streams and oceans clean and eliminate pollution discharge.
The Water Pollution Prevention Program for this school is detailed in the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). More information available for review upon request of the Administration.
Custodial Guidelines
Read the guidelines our custodians follow regarding illicit discharge detection and storm water BMP, campus grounds keeping, and waste handling and disposal.